We depend on donations from users of our database of over 8000 edible and useful plants to keep making it available free of charge and to further extend and improve it. In recent months donations are down, and we are spending more than we receive. Please give what you can to keep PFAF properly funded. More >>>

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Links : Other Green Groups
Links for commercial companies are £40/year. Non-commercial and non-profit are free. Please contact us for more information.
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Jatropha Curcas Seeds
Jatropha Curcas Seed exporters in India. Supplying Jatropha Curcas Seeds for cultivation of fuel crop Jatropha.
Country Denmark Region india,tamilnadu,coimbatore
Sections :Sustainable AgricultureTraditional Plant UsesTreesOther Green GroupsAgricultureOpen To PublicSeed SuppliersPhoto GallerysCo-ops

All about FLowers and Plants
The FLowers Growing website is the only online encyclopedia of flowers and plants. Whether you are looking for a guide on flower arrangements or gardening, or want to write educational articles, or want to download flower related stuff, or simply are looking to learn about the floral industry, the website flowersgrowing will provide you with information you can rely on. With a wide ranging array of topics exclusively devoted to flowers.
Country UK (England)
Sections :General GardeningTreesOther Green GroupsHerb/Medicinal SuppliersPhoto GallerysMailing lists/ForumsEthnobotanyFloradecoratinos

Orchidean - Orchids Database
Orchids growing database. Tips, videos and more.
Country UK (England)
Sections :AgroforestryRare Plants/Heritage SeedsWater/WetlandsBio-diversityEdible Flowersnative plantsHouse plantsdecoratinosOther Green GroupsGardening ToolsAgricultureConsultancy

Permaculture Institute
Founded in 1997 as the sister organization to the Permaculture Institute of Australia, the Permaculture Institute is one of the leading permaculture educational institution in the US. Our mission is to promote sustainable living skills through education, networking and demonstration projects. We facilitate networking among permaculture groups and projects in NM/Southwestern region and beyond. Our website is full of practical information on plant guilds, backyard animal husbandry, gardening in the nature's image, water harvesting and community building.
Country United States Region NM, CO, AZ, CA, UT, NE, TX
Sections :PermacultureOrganicsAgroforestryFarmingUrban PermaculturePermaculture DesignWater/WetlandsWildlife/ConservationBio-diversityDrylandsPondsBee plantsGreen BuildingLow impact livingSustainable livingOther Green GroupsLocal FoodClimate ChangeEnvironmentRun CoursesVolunteeringJournal/NewsletterNetworkingTrainingConsultancyTalksPhoto GallerysDirectories/ListingsBlogsNon Profit Groups

Compost Products
A comprehensive selection of composters and compost bins, worm (vermiculture) systems, recycling tools, water saving devices, rain barrels and ecological yard and garden accessories. Be part of the solution and start composting today!
Country United States
Sections :OrganicsGeneral GardeningCompostSoilHedgingFungiOther Green GroupsOther EnvironmentalHealth IssuesComunity compostingGardening ToolsClimate ChangeAgricultureEnvironmentBooks Stores/Publishers

Forestry and other Environmental Games
Free online environmental games, ecological footprint calculators, quizzes, and polls. Games for the planet @ Ecogamer.org
Country Canada Region Ontario
Sections :OrganicsWoodland GardeningTrees and WoodlandsGreen BuildingLow impact livingSustainable livingWildcraftOther Green GroupsRaw FoodClimate ChangeAgricultureEnvironment

Drew George & Partners
DGP provides LEED consulting, commissioning and workshop services for new and existing green building projects.
Country United States Region CA
Sections :Low impact livingSustainable livingOther Green GroupsOther EnvironmentalComunity compostingEnvironmentNetworkingTrainingConsultancyBuisness servicesGreen Building

Enota eco village
Enota is based on shared ecological and social values and Rudolph Steiners biodynamic agricultural principals. Working with the principle of not taking more from the Earth than one gives back, Enota has the potential to be sustainable indefinitely, cooperating and living in co-creation with nature.
Country United States Region towns,ga. sw
Sections :OrganicsSustainable AgricultureTrees and WoodlandsCompostBio-diversityPondsEdible FlowersHerbs and Medicinal PlantsFruit CropsHouse plantsGreen BuildingSustainable livingOther Green GroupsSpiritualGardening ToolsAgricultureEnvironmentOpen To PublicNetworkingHerb/Medicinal SuppliersSustainable plant productsFarmers MarketsEco-villagesFarmingPhoto GallerysWild PlantsSoilHydrologyReforestationRoot cropsFungiAnimal RightsOther EnvironmentalRaw FoodConfrencesCommunitiesVegan organicsVeganVolunteeringWildlife/ConservationVegetarianNon Profit Groups

© 2010, Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567.